Sony verdient goed aan de PlayStation 3 en 4, maar de echt grote bedragen moeten binnen worden geharkt door de verkoop van games. Worldwide Studios-baas Shuhei Yoshida laat weten dat lang niet elke game een vetpot is voor de uitgever. Slechts vier op de tien first-party games op de PlayStation-platformen zijn daadwerkelijk winstgevend. Volgens de man vind Sony het belangrijk om talent te ondersteunen. Dat is belangrijker dan het uitbrengen van blockbusters.
When you look at what we do, managing studios and managing funds, that’s essentially what we do: to look for talent and support talent, because at the end of the day it’s the people that create amazing things, and it’s the creative team that makes breakthroughs. It’s a hit-driven business. We look at our financial results of the titles, and probably three or four out of ten make money, and maybe one or two make all the money to cover the cost of the others titles. So we have to be able to maintain that hit ratio at a certain level to be able to continue in the business, so we always try to find out and support and help grow the talent. That’s the most important work that I believe myself and some of my management team at worldwide studios are doing.