Het is alweer even geleden dat nieuws was te melden rondom Black Mesa Source, de remake van Half-Life. Sterker nog, de laatste drie jaar is het bijzonder stil geweest rondom het project. Hoewel het geen officiële remake gaat zijn, blijkt het project nog steeds te leven. Op BMRF.us, de website voor het spel, is een noodoproep te horen.
The following message is transmitted at the request of local authorities. At 9:47 AM, Mountain Time, a disaster of unknown type has occurred at the Black Mesa Research Facility causing significant damage and failure to various power and communication systems in the surrounding areas. An immediate evacuation order has been issued for all residents within a 75 mile radius of the facility, and on-site military has been dispatched to provide assistance. Make sure to bring an emergency supply of food, water, clothing, first aid kit, flashlights with extra batteries, and battery powered radios. Follow local evacuation routes which have been marked by local authorities and only use one vehicle. Do not return to the warning area until the all clear has been given. If you are not in the evacuation zone stay where you are. If you are within the evacuation area and have no transportation locate your nearest police department or military officer. Do not use telephones or cell phones except in the case of emergencies. Stay tuned to local news media outlets for further details and information on this situation.
Daarnaast wist de ontwerper achter de game, Cragi Mirfin, Tweets te plaatsen om de site onder de aandacht te brengen.
@L4DRedemption Not sure whats going on,, Im gonna hold out in the office complex.. internal communications are down 🙂
— Craig Mirfin (@craigmirfin) January 1, 2015
Gaat de remake er dan toch nog komen?