De Windows Phone is nooit het succes geworden maar Microsoft misschien op had gehoopt. De telefoon heeft dan ook nooit de ondersteuning gehad die een iOS of Android wel kregen. Hierdoor gaat Microsoft bezuinigen op de mobiele divisie en verliezen 7800 mensen hun baan.
We are moving from a strategy to grow a standalone phone business to a strategy to grow and create a vibrant Windows ecosystem including our first-party device family. In the near-term, we’ll run a more effective and focused phone portfolio while retaining capability for long-term reinvention in mobility.
Microsoft-baas Satya Nadella laat weten dat dit geen makkelijke keuze was:
I don’t take changes in plans like these lightly, given that they affect the lives of people who have made an impact at Microsoft. We are deeply committed to helping our team members through these transitions.