Cortana, de AI uit Halo, is een mooie, blauw/paarse dame. En ze is naakt. Volgens Frank O’Connor, baas over de Halo-franchise, is dit een hele bewuste keuze geweest. Haar gebrek aan kleren trekt namelijk de aandacht, iets wat in haar voordeel kan werken.
She’s not really nude… but that’s what it makes you think of. So one of the reasons she [chooses to appear without clothes] is to attract and demand attention. And she does it to put people off so that they’re on their guard when talking to her and she has the upper hand in those conversations.
It’s kind of almost like the opposite of that nightmare you have where you go to school in the nude. You’re terrified and embarrassed and she’s kind of projecting that back out to her audience and winning intellectual points as a result.