Call of Duty: Ghosts is geen game die wereldwijd voorzien is van perfecte scores. De pers geeft kritiek op de matige graphics en het feit dat er amper vernieuwing te vinden is in de game. Activision-topman Eric Hirshberg zegt echter dat dit niet het enthousiasme van de fans weerspiegelt. Na de vraag of hij bang was dat mensen Call of Duty-moe gingen worden, was zijn antwoord duidelijk.
No. We’ve been pretty transparent all year that we think, because of the challenges of the console transition year, that that was likely in the short-term. I think it would be a mistake to conflate the challenges of the console transition year with any indications about the health of the franchise.
Daarna kwam de interviewer met de opmerking dat het misschien geen goed idee is om elk jaar een nieuw deel in de franchise te brengen. Hirshberg liet daarop weten dat fans belangrijker zijn dan de pers.
Well no, obviously not – and obviously I don’t agree with the critics there. I know that Call of Duty’s a polarising franchise with some of the critics, and it’s clear to me that not all the critics like our strategy of making a game every year, but thankfully our fans do. It’s also clear to me that the critical response doesn’t always mirror the fans’ appreciation of a game. We actually do read the critics’ comments and take them into consideration during our creative process, but we just can’t measure ourselves by that yardstick alone. Our most important audience is our fans, so we try to stay laser-focused on making games that they love.