Halo spelen met vrienden op de bank, schreeuwend naar het scherm wanneer het fout gaat, juichen wanneer het goed gaat. Het was de beste manier om de verhalende stand van Halo te spelen. Toch ontbrak de split-screen in Halo 5. Iets wat bij fans nooit goed is ontvangen. Daarom heeft 343 Industries nu aangegeven dat dit in toekomstige Halo games, de shooters dan, altijd aanwezig zal zijn. Elke Halo vanaf nu kan met meerdere spelers op één scherm gespeeld worden.
It was one of the most difficult [decisions] we’ve ever had to make as a studio. […] To move Halo’s gameplay forward and deliver a true next-gen experience, tough choices had to be made. Our decision was driven by a desire for scale, fidelity and focus to ensure that we would deliver the best quality experience possible.
We’ve also had a lot of learnings along the way. When we fell down with multiplayer launch of MCC, or when we didn’t put split-screen in with Halo 5, it was incredibly painful for the community and for us. It erodes trust with the community, as the community is a part of our world-building.
A lot of learnings from that. I would say, for any FPS going out will have always have split-screen in going forward.