Bekijk de multiplayer-maps van DOOM

Bekijk de multiplayer-maps van DOOM

DOOM krijgt in totaal negen multiplayer-maps, en vandaag laat Bethesda deze maps eens zien. In een kort filmpje komen de maps voorbij. Bovendien vind je hieronder nog een beschrijving van elke map, zoals deze door de developer is gegeven.

Excavation: A modest-sized UAC mining outpost. Watch out for the rock grinder.
Infernal: A mid-sized Hell map with both interior and exterior elements. Lots of platforms and chasms, along with teleporters.
Chasm: This massive map takes you deep below the polar ice caps of Mars. A great place to play Freeze Tag.
Disposal: This smaller map is the main waste processing facility for the UAC research and residential complexes. Unsurprisingly, it’s full of radioactive slime.
Helix: This is where they experiment on demons and develop advanced weaponry. Which, naturally, makes it perfect for a quick round of Clan Arena.
Perdition: Disjointed and sadistic, this ancient arena is populated by the agonized moans of unfortunate souls who have suffered within its realm.
Sacrilegious: Set within a fracture of Hell, this map offers clear lines of sight. Move fast… or die faster.
Heatwave: An industrial UAC facility with glistening halls that will soon be slicked with human (and demon) blood.
Beneath: Before being beamed to Earth, the energies of Hell are harnessed in this symmetrical and cavernous location.

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