Epic, de mannen achter Gears of War, werkt momenteel aan meerdere games naast het eerder aangekondigde Fortnite. Eén daarvan is een tripple A first person shooter, aldus oprichter Tim Sweeney tijdens een interview.
We’re building several games at different scales. We’re building Fortnite, a PC online game which is a fun, sort of Minecraft meets Left 4 Dead. It’s a 35-person team. It’s not aiming to beat Call of Duty in terms of graphics. It’s more of a Pixar art style and a limited project in scope, just aimed at fun as opposed to massive breakthroughs in scale. We’re building a bigger, triple-A shooter project that hasn’t been announced yet. And we’ve also internally started developing really tiny projects with two or three guys working together as a team for a few months in small scale game development.
We’re trying to master development at every scale.