Matt Stone, één van de twee mannen achter South Park, is niet tevreden met de censuur in South Park: The Stick of Truth. Hij heeft Ubisoft aangevallen met zijn eigen mening.
We weren’t going to change the content, so we’ve written little cards to explain what is going on, what they’ve censored, and made a joke out of it. We’re talking about 30 or 40 seconds out of the whole experience but we wanted people to know exactly where the line was: this is what you couldn’t see but for some reason the rest of the world could and we have no idea why.
It’s not cool – it’s lame, ridiculous and stupid.
De versie op de PC is niet gecensureerd, het gaat alleen om de versies voor de PlayStation 3 en Xbox 360.
Ultimately, the full version of the game is in North America, so at least that version is out there, but anywhere it’s censored in the other version, we just put in little black cards explaining what has happened. It’s not that big a deal. It doesn’t change things that much, but we weren’t going to change the game downwards somewhere and just not tell anybody. You’ll see how ridiculous that is.