Wanneer een console in de winkels verschijnt, is het prijskaartje vaak lager dan dat de consolemakers voor het apparaat betalen. Het is heel normaal dat consoles met verlies worden verkocht. De winst wordt dan gehaald uit de games en DLC. Nintendo, die hetzelfde deed met de Wii U, geeft nu aan dat dit bij de NX niet het geval zal gaan zijn. Tatsumi Kimishima, president van Nintendo, laat weten dat er winst gemaakt gaat worden op het systeem.
We are not thinking of launching the hardware at a loss. When Wii U was launched, the yen was very strong. I am assuming that situation will not repeat itself. Selling at a loss at launch would not support the business, so we are keeping that mind in developing NX.
Ook vertelde de man dat Nintendo steeds meer interesse gaat hebben in de wereld van de smartphones en tablet. Miitomo, de eerste app van de gigant, bracht 40.000 dollar per dag op in de eerste week na de release. Nintendo wil sowieso spellen rondom Animal Crossing en Fire Emblem richting de systemen brengen.
As we have reiterated, we want to grow smart device gaming as one of the pillars of Nintendo’s revenue stream. As for shifting managerial resources in that direction, we have very capable developers who are working on development of games for smart devices, as you already know.
Of course, Mr. Miyamoto, our Creative Fellow, is also supporting the business for smart devices from a company-wide perspective. To explain the level of engagement of Mr. Miyamoto, he is having specific talks with developers of games for smart devices on what would be desirable overall. In that sense, what you see from the outside may be markedly different from what we see on the inside. As I have said, we want this to be one of the pillars of our business.