In een post op de UbiBlog vertelt gamedesigner Andrew Witts meer over de nieuwe Rainbow Six: Siege. Een belangrijk onderdeel van de game is de mate waarin je de omgeving kapot kan maken en in jouw voordeel kunt gebruiken. Andrew benadrukt daarbij dat dit pas mogelijk is geworden dankzij de nieuwe generatie consoles:
“So blowing a hole through a wall with a shotgun and having a new line-of-sight opportunity for your buddy or for you to kind of get the drop on the attackers coming up the stairs is something that we would never have been able to do on the previous generation of consoles. We’re stressing that as far as we can because it’s the center of the experience. The destruction is fully procedural and based on its materials. So when you blow up a wall that’s made of wood, it will splinter and break and be cut like a wood wall would be if you put a breach charge on it. The next-gen destruction system is really what brings us forward as far as gameplay goes.”
Voor de verdedigers zal het mogelijk zijn om barricades op te werpen, zodat de tegenpartij niet gemakkelijk binnen kan komen. Dit is ook een belangrijk onderdeel van de gameplay:
“They also have barricades. You place the barricades on the doorframe and windows to pretty much inhibit the attackers from going right in. They have to break it, which causes noise and it also makes people really question whether or not they want to even break it, because there might be a guy on the other side of it. It obscures the line of sight and kind of makes the attackers think more about what they want to do.”
De trailer die we op de E3 zagen was puur gericht op de multiplayer van de game, maar Rainbow Six: Siege zal ook een singleplayer- en coöp-mode kennen. Helaas kan Andrew daar nog niks over zeggen:
“We know the single-player and co-op experiences are very important to Rainbow Six fans, and they’re very important to us too. We can’t say much, but what we can say is that they will definitely be a part of Rainbow Six Siege. We’re just not ready to give any more details on that at this time.”
Het volledige interview is terug te lezen op de UbiBlog.